Hey, as I wrote in topic about Usma meeting, I brought more than 1 kg of new-wave Polish hop - Oktawia. Actually it is recovered hop from some time ago, but whatever. I get it from the plantator. If You want to try it I can give it to You, but he would like to have some form of report, can be just written, can be film on Youtube. Just to know how this hop is fitting into different types of beer.
Polish Hop Oktawia - any volunteers?
I want to brew with it- i can pick it up next monday in Riga! Let me know (+371 26182-eight-5-zero)
Generally if You have some connections in some pub I could leave it there and You will pick it up for Your beers.
Ok, you can leave them in Labietis or Taka or Beerfox! 100-200g will be enough if it's possible!
I hope to meet you in Usma and get same 100g of Oktawia hops.
I would like to apply for 100g of hops as well. And, sorry for off-topic... OloPL, could You recommend a nice place for a dinner in the center of Warsaw with a good selection of Polish (not industrial) beers?
I don't know about dinner, but great selection of beers is definitely in Piw Paw.
I left some Oktawia hops at Alus Celle today. One times 110 g and 5 packs of 30 g. Just take it if You want, but after brewing I will be pleased to see some opinion or the best will be 2 bottles of beer, 1 for guy who gave hops and also I will gladly try it ;)
I have more of this, definitely will bring some to the Usma lake meeting, but if more people want I can leave more in Alus Celle or Labietis.
Who took all Oktawia hops? ;) I was there today, no Oktawia was left, but I got a 30g of Pacifica in a funny medicine-pills-type package, never seen hops in this package.. ..anyway, not much to do with 30g, but thanks and if i could get like 50-100g Oktawia i would like to brew some test batch!
All the hops I left there was Oktawia, just in different packages, if it had mass written then it was surely Oktawia, I did not left anything else.
I have more of this but I want to take something to Usma. I had generally only 1 kg of pellets and some cone, not more, so You have to share it by Yourself. It is hop for rather lighter beers, it is not as strong as US or NZ hops. For me it is pretty sure that if I brought like 1 kg of pellets it won't be nice if someone will take hops for 40-50 liters batch and 60 IBU, rather for 20 or so. But it is Your call, I just brought it to share with You guys and get some feedback like opinions or beers You brought with this hop. It is between You how You share it.
Ok, good to know, as i thought i got Pacifica! And what is the Alpha %?
Today I left more Oktawia hops in Alus Celle, I forgot to give them to Usma. I left 1 pack 470 grams and 6 packs for 30 grams. Just share and good luck brewing. As I said, I will gladly take 2 bottles of each for the guy from plantation and for me :)
I have a 2.5% session ale from third runnings of imperial porter. i can bring bottles to outdoor event at 14.08 or meeting at Alus Celle.