Installing a Custom Report
o Copy your report template (either in TXT or HTML) to your Documents/BeerSmith2/Reports directory. If you have changed the directory where BeerSmith documents are stored, please install your file to that directory/Reports instead.
o Select the Options dialog from the Tools menu
o Select the Reports tab
o Click on the Add Report button
o Enter the display name of your report - which is the title that will be displayed in the reports drop-down
o Select the type - either plain text or HTML (web page)
o Enter the file name for your new template such as MyReport.txt or MyReport.html
o Press Ok to save it, and Ok again to close the options dialog
o Go to the preview pane under your My Recipes view and select your new report from the Reports dropdown displayed on the preview pane
Commonly Used Recipe Tags
Purpose Tag
Actual Alcohol by Vol: $ABV
Adjust Temp for Equipment: $EQUIP_ADJUST
Age beer for: $AGE
Age (In Days)r: $AGE
Asst Brewer: $ASST_BREWER
Bitterness: $IBU
Bitterness Ratio: $BITTERNESS_RATIO
Boil Ingredients: $BOIL_INGREDIENTS
Boil Time: $BOIL_TIME
Bottling Date: $BOTTLING_DATE
Brewer: $BREWER
Brewhouse Efficiency: $EFFICIENCY
Calories: $CALORIES
Carbonation Type: $CARBONATION_TYPE
Carbonation Used: $CARBONATION_USED
Color Swatch: $COLOR_SWATCH
((Added 3/28/08)) HEX Color: $RGB_COLOR
Date: $DATE
Display Age Temp: $DISPLAY_AGE_TEMP
Display Batch Size: $DISPLAY_BATCH_SIZE
Display Carbonation: $DISPLAY_CARBONATION
Display Primary Temp: $DISPLAY_PRIMARY_TEMP
Display Secondary Temp: $DISPLAY_SECONDARY_TEMP
Display Tertiary Temp: $DISPLAY_TERTIARY_TEMP
Drink and Enjoy!: $END_DATE
Equipment: $EQUIPMENT
Est Color: $EST_COLOR
Est Final Gravity: $EST_FG
Est Original Gravity: $EST_OG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: $EST_ABV
Estimated pre-boil gravity: $PRE_BOIL_OG
Estimated Mash Efficiency: $EST_MASH_EFFICIENCY
Ferment Ingredients: $FERMENT_INGREDIENTS
For Batch Size: $BATCH_SIZE
Grain Temperature: $GRAIN_TEMP
Ingredients: $INGREDIENTS
Keg/Bottling Temperature: $DISPLAY_CARB_TEMP
Mash Ingredients : $MASH_INGREDIENTS
Mash Ingredients : $MASH_INGREDIENTS
Measured Final Gravity: $DISPLAY_FG
Measured Original Gravity: $DISPLAY_OG
Name: $NAME
Notes: $NOTES
Prepare for Bottling/Kegging: $BOTTLING_INGREDIENTS
Primary Age: $PRIMARY_AGE
Primary fermentation: $PRIMARY_DATE
Primary Ingredients: $PRIMARY_INGREDIENTS
Recipe Price $PRICE
Secondary Age: $SECONDARY_AGE
Secondary fermentation: $SECONDARY_DATE
Secondary Ingredients: $SECONDARY_INGREDIENTS
Sparge Steps: $SPARGE_STEPS
Sparge Temperature: $SPARGE_TEMP
Sparge Water: $SPARGE_VOLUME
Steep Hops: $STEEP_HOPS
Steep Ingredients: $STEEP_INGREDIENTS
Storage Temperature: $DISPLAY_AGE_TEMP
Style Category $STYLE.CATEGORY
Style Letter: $STYLE_LETTER
Style Name: $STYLE_NAME
Taste Notes: $TASTE_NOTES
Taste Rating(out of 50): $TASTE_RATING
Tertiary Age: $TERTIARY_AGE
Tertiary Fermentation: $TERTIARY_DATE
Total Grain Weight: $GRAIN_WEIGHT
Total Grain Weight: $TOTAL_GRAINS
Total Hops added to boil: $TOTAL_HOPS
TunTemperature: $TUN_TEMP
Type: $TYPE
Volumes of CO2: $CARBONATION
Water preperation: $WATER_PREP
Yeast Starter: $YEAST_STARTERS